Swagger & Dropwizard

Gagan Mishra · April 10, 2017

Quite a sad story that swagger (1.5.x) does not go so smooth with Dropwizard (0.9), particularly when you have joda LocalDateTime objects, authenticated APIs, and probably snake_case dto objects.

I spent quite sometime around it to make it work. Here is a summary for later reference:

Joda LocalDateTime

Joda LocalDateTime objects are not serialized to human readable ISO date time formats, and rather they appear as a bunch of objects. This could be overcome in version 1.3 by adding a custom ModelConverter in swagger. Unfortunately that was deprecated in version 1.5.

To get this to work, I had to get the Swagger object and iterate through all definitions, and replace the LocalDateTime type with proper strong format.

Map<String, Model> definitions = swagger.getDefinitions();
  for(Map.Entry<String, Model> e : definitions.entrySet()){
    Map<String, Property> propertyMap = e.getValue().getProperties();
    for(String key : propertyMap.keySet()){
      Property value = propertyMap.get(key);
      if(value.getType().equals("ref") && ((RefProperty) value).getSimpleRef().equals("LocalDateTime")){
        propertyMap.put(key, new StringProperty("LocalDateTime in ISO format")
                .description("ISO format string"));

Snake Case

Swagger also failed to generate proper example request/response objects if @JsonSnakeCase was mentioned. Basically, it just ignored it. Turned out, Swagger was using its own instance of ObjectMapper. To get this to work, I did an override of the default ObjectMapper.

ObjectMapper converter = new ObjectMapper();
ModelConverters.getInstance().addConverter(new ModelResolver(converter));

However, the same object mapper could not be used to generate the swagger.json definition file. For the simple reason that we do not want to deserialize the Swagger object in our own way and rather let Swagger do it. So, we use a normal ObjectMapper to do it.

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String swaggerJson = mapper.writeValueAsString(swagger);
try {
  // Convert object to JSON string and save into a file directly
  mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValue(new File(filePath), swagger);
} catch (JsonGenerationException | JsonMappingException e) {
return Response.ok(swaggerJson).build();

Authorization Header

In the generated json definition, I needed Authorization headers to be sent. Somehow, I couldn’t figure out a way to do it with Dropwizard, and I ended up modifying the generated Swagger object to add the Authorization requirement.

Swagger swagger = (Swagger) response.getEntity();
      ApiKeyAuthDefinition apiKeyAuthDefinition = new ApiKeyAuthDefinition("authorization", In.HEADER);
      Map<String, SecuritySchemeDefinition> map = new HashMap<>();
      map.put("api_key", apiKeyAuthDefinition);
      SecurityRequirement requirement = new SecurityRequirement();
      requirement.requirement("api_key", new ArrayList<>());

After all these changes, it generated the swagger definition json file correctly. I added all these changes to a resource class which extended the default ApiListingResource. The code can be found here.


I also added two of those findings as answers on StackOverflow.

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